Sunday, May 13, 2012

Being Soilite

I sometimes wonder how fast are we learning, things which I came to know in my grads I see small kids knowing it already... Our human brain is constantly evolving into superbrain but one sad part that haunts me.We are progressing at the cost of what...
Cost, what we paying for this progress is dire and would possibly leave us with no more options but to destroy. We are continuously ravaging natures wealth like a breast.
The fact is what we have lost is much more valuable than what we have gained. And who one day will judge which side is more heavier...
India 200 years ago contributed to 60% of world's GDP. When we got independent we were at 2%, now after more than 60 years of our independence we are still at 2% of our GDP.
Now terms like  India Shining and phrases we use to makes it literally sound like vague, just a cheap advertisement and projection to the outer world.
Comparing what we are now and what we were ago makes me realise what we have lost. India land of innovation where people from all over the world wanted to come and settle now just the opposite is happening Indians are looking to travel all over which we term it as brain drain. This goes deeper than what we think...
Fancy is what it looks when we speak about sustainablity doesnt it cannotate to what we have learned already in vedas. Now we attribute this as be western phenomenon.
Amazing but yet curious to know we didn't have any beggars in ancient India now we are known as land of beggars makes me laughs.
I did my post grad from SOIL ( School Of Inspired Leadership ) didnt know much about this institute when I initially joined. Did my majors in marketing is one of the best things that ever happened to me. Learning and awareness which I  had in this 1 years has completely transformed the way I look at things. I know initially term ethics, diversity , mindfulness looked very naive to me. I wont say I have completely practiced 5 pillars of SOIL but I have tried and I'm still trying. As my director Mr Anil Sachdev always said " Being in the process is more important than the end result" I think I'm in the process of transformation and with the blessing of everyone I hope I would be a better person.